a meeting of souls or a meeting of roles?


a meeting of souls not roles

Last night I was at dinner with friends and some friends of my friends. This couple, the friends of my friends, follow some spiritual teaching and the boyfriend (let’s call him A) of my friend is into yoga. We talked at length about the spiritual practice the couple is engaged in. I was really trying to understand what they were into and what this practice, which they were not really explaining, was giving them. In the course of the evening’s conversations I also said some things about what I do and share with people and some reflections about the yogic perspective came from A.

On the way home and this morning I was feeling some kind of sadness. At first it presented itself as doubts about the utility for others of the things I practice and teach. Is there interest? Is there any real benefit? Am I able to contribute to their understanding and happiness? After some time dancing with my jackals trying to sense what is in their heart, I came to the understanding that the real source of my sadness was my need to just BE and meet others beyond our roles, our professional or devotional identities – a meeting of souls beyond roles. In fact what I am practicing and sharing in my work are experiences and instruments for self-connection, discovering purpose, communication, collaboration and celebration that are free of labels, free of isms. Of course I am grateful and pay homage to the contributions and teachings of many masters, teachers, researchers and seekers. I acknowledge them by name so that anyone can deepen their familiarity with these things that have been and are of profound inspiration to me. But I’m never suggesting that anyone should become a follower of any of these things. My purpose is to inspire and facilitate each person’s awakening and transformational process toward what their real needs are and what the dreams that move them are.

The day after Firenze III – the power of stories workshop

This weekend’s workshop in Florence was focused on the 3rd step of the 5 Steps For Achieving Anything Communication. It’s been a powerful and deeply touching encounter with a group that unfolded honest, authentic, courageous, creative, playful and vulnerable presence. A real gift and honor to be able to serve such a process.

At the end it was decided to call the group The Field, a reference to the field of living being that gives birth, shape and sustenance to all that is and in which our existence, experience, learning and development unfold.

Writings and words of participants.

As Gemma, whose name means 
jewel, said: 
I take away a piece more of me.   I take with me looks, smiles and throbs of humanity.  

This is was my take-away: I take away a sense of wonder and admiration for your bravery and sincerity, a sense of joy for having been able to share all this, a hope that it has served you, and a sense of respect for your concentration in facing the challenges of our education. I would like to thank you for the beauty that you let me see and live.

Francesca said: In the work with Ron we talk about the field, which I understand as the circle of sharing in a protected environment. Around the great vibrant heart of the field, everyone takes care of themselves and together of everyone else. The vibrations are already inside of us we just need to pull them out and Ron invites them to dance. Through his work, he invites them to take voice with the words of the conscious soul that wants to be heard. These words, which now are far from us because the we have forgotten, return. It is like hearing the sound of a bell that invites us to come home. We gather around the circle, each with our own personal story, each with our own internal jackals. And we become aware of a common resonance that touches everyone’s experience releasing the knots, freeing us from loneliness and strengthening our awareness. It is a precious process that comes from the integration of different techniques: mindfulness, automatic writing, body movement, use of the voice, storytelling, meditation and non-violent communication (M. Rosenberg), processwork (of A. Mindell). The aim of all these techniques is to achieve greater awareness through a creative process and empathic listening for conflict resolution in both dialogue with ourselves and in listening and communicating with others. After this journey I bring with me a great certainty that human frailty is a huge resource. These two days have been precious, delicate, intense, full of of true and honest contact with myself and with all my companions. A journey of discovery, of sharing, of amazement and creativity, of meeting with others, of exchange and tenderness. I am immensely grateful to have been able to do such an important and valuable work with my friend Ron, a very dear and special person beyond my imagination.

Thank you
for the open arms,
for useful questions and the decisive step.
For the absence of judgment
and for what moves inside.

Thank you
for the luminous gem,
for her sensitive and delicate strength that touches me,
for wet handkerchiefs,
for the lowered eyes listening to the hearts beyond their own pain.


More will follow…

Someone asked…

Someone asked me, “What is it that you do?”.  Walking home along the river I found myself answering: “It is not so simple to explain because its just so simple.”

The Power Of Stories – knowing and designing yourself

It is about alignment, alignment between our inner world of connection with our essence, our spiritual needs, our psychology, our desires and dreams, the alignment between this sea of Dreamland and our actions (and not only our’s) in the world and the realities they generate. The reality we call eveyrday life. The power of our mind, of our words, the power of our actions, the power of our body language. The goal of this work is to connect to our dreams, realize their importance and soften, liquidify, the border between this Dreamtime world and the world of daily living.

The work aims to share and awaken the realization that we are creators, that we are all artists and that together we create the world. That we are here to contribute to the art of being, the art of life. This is what calls me to discover, research and transmit to the people who participate working individually and together on our stories.

What’s this work about? Self-Realisation. To realize that we are not who we often think we are, or not only who/what we think we are. We are much more, much more diverse, much more open, much more varied. In reality, without limits.

The aim is to realize space. Space within ourselves, and space around ourselves to really appreciate what’s going on, to really connect, and celebrate, create moments of beauty and meaning in whatever we’re doing.

Notes on workshops

The Self-inquiry “who are you?”, “what are you?” work, together with the  Voice Dialog work and the Sing Your Name circle of vocal improvisations on your name the potential to generate insights creatively. I will propose this work in both Firenze and Olbia.


    Roy Hart & Awe Wolfsohn          photo by Ivan Midderigh

This photo features in Moments Of Truth – a documentary on the past, present, and future of the Roy Hart Theatre experience.