If we had to give a name for our human disease I think it would be SEPARATION – the feeling of being separate individuals. Of course, individuation is essential if we are to develop our body, mind, and soul to become creative beings and bring our power, passion, and, purpose to the circle of our collective human being, interacting and doing. But the HEALING of our DIS-EASE is surly in joining the Circle. And the circles have been ever-expanding as our awareness of ourselves and the world has grown throughout our evolution. And now this global crisis brings its message, its blessing – the circle is the Circle Of Humanity here now on earth INTERBEING.
DEEP DEMOCRACY – sharing our stories, the things we love and fear, the things we envision and long for, and our capacity to support, help and contribute to each other. Recognizing our common humanity, our connection to our common human needs and nature and connection to Nature that supports, contains and has given us life, this is how the Circle of Stories offers us healing, making us WHOLE.